Jargon Buster

Common Jargon Buster in the context of local authorities

When dealing with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the context of local authorities there are specific terms and jargon commonly used. Here are some key terms related to SEN within the local authority context:

1. **Local Authority (LA):**

   – **Definition:** The administrative body responsible for providing education services and support within a specific geographic area.

   – **Explanation:** LAs play a crucial role in overseeing education, including SEN provision, within their jurisdiction.

2. **Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP):**

   – **Definition:** A legal document outlining the special educational needs, health, and social care provision required for a child or young person with significant needs.

   – **Explanation:** EHCPs replace the Statement of Special Educational Needs and provide a holistic plan for support.

3. **Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO):**

   – **Definition:** A designated staff member in a school responsible for overseeing and coordinating support for students with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** SENCOs play a key role in liaising with parents, teachers, and external agencies to ensure effective support.

4. **SEN Information Report:**

   – **Definition:** A document produced by schools outlining their approach to supporting students with SEN and providing information on available resources and provisions.

   – **Explanation:** SEN Information Reports help parents and carers understand the SEN support available in a school.

5. **Graduated Approach:**

   – **Definition:** A step-by-step process used to identify, assess, and meet the needs of students with SEN through a series of interventions.

   – **Explanation:** The graduated approach is a key element of the SEN Code of Practice in the UK.

6. **SEN Code of Practice:**

   – **Definition:** A statutory guide providing practical advice for educational settings, local authorities, and other partners on identifying and supporting students with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** The SEN Code of Practice sets out legal requirements and best practices for SEN provision.

7. **SEN Tribunal (SENDIST):**

   – **Definition:** An independent tribunal that hears appeals against decisions made by LAs regarding EHCPs and other SEN-related matters.

   – **Explanation:** Parents and young people can appeal to the SEN Tribunal if they disagree with a decision made by the LA.

8. **Designated Medical Officer (DMO):**

   – **Definition:** A healthcare professional appointed by the local authority to provide medical advice on SEN issues.

   – **Explanation:** DMOs contribute to the assessment and decision-making process for EHCPs.

9. **Local Offer:**

   – **Definition:** A document published by each local authority that outlines the support and services available for children and young people with SEN and disabilities.

   – **Explanation:** The Local Offer provides information for parents and carers about the range of support available in the local area.

10. **Personal Budget:**

    – **Definition:** An amount of money identified by the local authority to deliver provision set out in an EHCP.

    – **Explanation:** Personal budgets provide parents and young people with more control over the support arrangements outlined in an EHCP.

11. **SEN Transport:**

    – **Definition:** Transportation services provided by the local authority for students with SEN who may require additional support or adaptations.

    – **Explanation:** SEN transport ensures that students with SEN can access educational settings.

12. **Independent Support:**

    – **Definition:** A service providing impartial information, advice, and support to parents and young people going through the EHCP assessment process.

    – **Explanation:** Independent Supporters assist families in understanding and navigating the SEN system.

13. **Transitional Review:**

    – **Definition:** A review of a young person’s EHCP as they approach key transition points, such as moving from school to post-16 education or employment.

    – **Explanation:** Transitional reviews help plan for the next phase of education or life.

14. **Alternative Provision (AP):**

    – **Definition:** Education arrangements for students who may not be able to attend a mainstream school, often due to behavioral, medical, or other reasons.

    – **Explanation:** AP settings offer tailored support for students with diverse needs.

15. **Inclusion:**

    – **Definition:** The practice of including all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, in mainstream education and activities.

    – **Explanation:** Inclusion emphasizes creating a supportive environment that accommodates the diverse needs of all learners.

16. **SEN Funding:**

    – **Definition:** Financial resources allocated by the local authority to support the provision of special educational needs services.

    – **Explanation:** SEN funding is used to meet the additional costs associated with supporting students with SEN.

17. **Short Breaks Services:**

   – **Definition:** Support services provided to families of children with disabilities, offering them short breaks from caring responsibilities.

   – **Explanation:** Short breaks aim to support the well-being of both the child with SEN and their family.

18. **Transition Plan:**

   – **Definition:** A plan outlining the steps and support mechanisms to facilitate a smooth transition for a student with SEN between different educational phases or settings.

   – **Explanation:** Transition plans are crucial for ensuring continuity of support during key life changes.

19. **SEN Panel:**

   – **Definition:** A group or committee within the local authority responsible for reviewing and making decisions about EHCP assessments and plans.

   – **Explanation:** The SEN Panel ensures consistency and adherence to legal requirements in the decision-making process.

20. **Post-16 Provision:**

   – **Definition:** Educational and training opportunities provided to young people with SEN after the age of 16.

   – **Explanation:** Post-16 provision includes options such as further education, vocational training, and supported employment.

21. **Designated Teacher for Looked-After and Previously Looked-After Children (Virtual School Head):**

   – **Definition:** A designated teacher within the local authority responsible for overseeing the educational needs of looked-after and previously looked-after children, including those with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** The Virtual School Head ensures these children receive appropriate support to achieve their educational potential.

22. **Local Authority Educational Psychology Service:**

   – **Definition:** A team of educational psychologists employed by the local authority to provide assessments, advice, and support for children with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** Educational psychologists contribute to the understanding of a child’s learning needs and the development of appropriate interventions.

23. **Joint Commissioning:**

   – **Definition:** Collaborative planning and decision-making involving different agencies and services to ensure effective and coordinated support for children and young people with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** Joint commissioning aims to streamline resources and improve outcomes through multi-agency collaboration.

24. **Multi-Agency Support Team:**

   – **Definition:** A team comprising professionals from different agencies, such as education, health, and social care, working together to provide holistic support for children with complex needs.

   – **Explanation:** Multi-agency support teams enhance coordination and communication between services.

25. **Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO):**

   – **Definition:** A designated officer within the local authority responsible for managing and overseeing allegations against individuals who work with children, including those with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** LADOs play a role in safeguarding procedures within educational settings.

26. **Alternative Curriculum:**

   – **Definition:** A modified or specialized curriculum designed to meet the unique learning needs and abilities of students with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** Alternative curricula provide tailored content and approaches to support individualized learning.

27. **Mediation:**

   – **Definition:** A process where an impartial mediator helps resolve disputes or disagreements between parents and the local authority regarding SEN provision.

   – **Explanation:** Mediation provides an alternative to formal legal proceedings and aims to find mutually agreeable solutions.

28. **SEN Consultative Forum:**

   – **Definition:** A forum or group established by the local authority to facilitate consultation and collaboration with parents, carers, and stakeholders on matters related to SEN provision.

   – **Explanation:** The SEN Consultative Forum allows for the exchange of ideas and feedback to improve services.

29. **Independent Parental Supporters (IPS):**

   – **Definition:** Trained individuals who provide independent advice and support to parents and carers navigating the SEN process, including EHCP assessments.

   – **Explanation:** IPS offer assistance to help parents understand their rights and secure appropriate support for their child.

30. **Admission Appeal Panel:**

   – **Definition:** A panel that considers appeals from parents or carers when a school placement request for a child with SEN is not granted.

   – **Explanation:** Admission appeal panels review cases and make decisions on school placements.

31. **Home to School Transport Policy:**

   – **Definition:** A local authority’s policy outlining the criteria and arrangements for providing transport services for children with SEN to attend school.

   – **Explanation:** The Home to School Transport Policy ensures accessibility for students with mobility or special transport needs.

32. **Education Welfare Officer (EWO):**

   – **Definition:** A professional employed by the local authority to support school attendance, including addressing attendance issues related to SEN.

   – **Explanation:** EWOs work to ensure that all children, including those with SEN, have regular and appropriate access to education.

33. **SEN Link Governor:**

   – **Definition:** A governor within a school’s governing body assigned to oversee and support the school’s provision for children with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** SEN Link Governors play a role in monitoring and advocating for effective SEN support within the school.

34. **Education, Health, and Care Needs Assessment:**

   – **Definition:** The formal process initiated by parents, carers, or educational professionals to request an assessment to determine if a child or young person requires an EHCP.

   – **Explanation:** The assessment informs decisions about the provision and support needed.

35. **Parent Partnership Service:**

   – **Definition:** A service provided by the local authority to offer information, advice, and support to parents and carers of children with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** Parent Partnership Services enhance parental involvement and understanding of the SEN system.

36. **SEN Funding Panel:**

   – **Definition:** A panel responsible for reviewing and making decisions regarding the allocation of financial resources to support children and young people with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** The SEN Funding Panel assesses funding requests and ensures that resources are allocated appropriately.

37. **Post-16 SEND Coordinator:**

   – **Definition:** A designated staff member within a school or college responsible for coordinating support for students with SEN who are transitioning to post-16 education.

   – **Explanation:** Post-16 SEND Coordinators facilitate a smooth transition and continuity of support for students with SEN.

38. **Annual Review:**

   – **Definition:** A yearly review of a child’s EHCP to assess progress, consider any changes in needs, and update support provisions accordingly.

   – **Explanation:** Annual reviews involve key stakeholders, including parents, to ensure ongoing appropriateness of support.

39. **Accessibility Plan:**

   – **Definition:** A plan outlining how a school or educational setting intends to improve accessibility for students with disabilities, including those with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** Accessibility plans address physical, sensory, and curriculum-related barriers.

40. **SENCO Cluster Groups:**

   – **Definition:** Collaborative groups of SENCOs from different schools within a local authority area, meeting to share best practices, strategies, and updates.

   – **Explanation:** SENCO Cluster Groups promote professional development and coordination of SEN support.

41. **Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Outreach Service:**

   – **Definition:** A service provided by the local authority to support mainstream schools in meeting the needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

   – **Explanation:** ASD Outreach Services offer advice, training, and resources to enhance inclusion.

42. **Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI) Team:**

   – **Definition:** A team within the local authority specializing in providing support for children with combined visual and hearing impairments.

   – **Explanation:** MSI Teams assess needs and provide interventions to facilitate communication and learning.

43. **SEN Transport Review Panel:**

   – **Definition:** A panel responsible for reviewing and deciding on appeals related to the provision of transport for children with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** SEN Transport Review Panels ensure fair and appropriate transport arrangements.

44. **Local Offer Annual Report:**

   – **Definition:** An annual report published by the local authority summarizing the effectiveness of the Local Offer and the provision of services for children with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** The Local Offer Annual Report informs stakeholders and the community about progress and improvements.

45. **Specialist Provision:**

   – **Definition:** Specialized educational settings or units within mainstream schools that provide targeted support for students with specific types of SEN.

   – **Explanation:** Specialist provisions cater to the unique needs of certain groups of students.

46. **High Needs Block Funding:**

   – **Definition:** Funding allocated by the local authority to meet the needs of children and young people with complex and significant SEN.

   – **Explanation:** High Needs Block Funding supports additional resources and interventions.

47. **SEN Transition Plan:**

   – **Definition:** A detailed plan outlining the support and preparations for a child’s transition between key educational phases, such as moving from primary to secondary school.

   – **Explanation:** SEN Transition Plans help manage potential challenges during transitions.

48. **SEN Information, Advice, and Support Service (IAS):**

   – **Definition:** A service provided by local authorities to offer impartial information, advice, and support to parents and carers of children with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** IAS Services assist families in understanding their rights and navigating the SEN process.

49. **Pupil Premium Funding:**

   – **Definition:** Additional funding provided to schools to support the education of disadvantaged students, including those with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** Pupil Premium Funding aims to narrow the attainment gap for students facing socioeconomic challenges.

50. **SEN Governor:**

   – **Definition:** A governor within a school’s governing body specifically responsible for overseeing and championing the school’s provision for children with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** SEN Governors contribute to policy development and monitoring of SEN support.

51. **SEN Casework Officer:**

   – **Definition:** A professional within the local authority responsible for managing and overseeing the casework related to SEN assessments and EHCPs.

   – **Explanation:** SEN Casework Officers liaise with parents, schools, and professionals to ensure smooth processes.

52. **Portage Service:**

   – **Definition:** A home-visiting educational support service for young children with SEN and their families, often focusing on early intervention.

   – **Explanation:** Portage Services aim to enhance the development and inclusion of young children with SEN.

53. **In-Year Fair Access Protocol:**

   – **Definition:** A local authority protocol designed to ensure that vulnerable children, including those with SEN, can access a suitable school place quickly, even during the school year.

   – **Explanation:** Fair Access Protocols prevent delays in securing education for vulnerable children.

54. **Multi-Sensory Rooms:**

   – **Definition:** Specially designed rooms equipped with sensory equipment to stimulate and engage children with sensory processing difficulties.

   – **Explanation:** Multi-sensory rooms support relaxation and sensory exploration.

55. **Nominated Medical Officer (NMO):**

   – **Definition:** A medical professional appointed by the local authority to provide medical advice in cases of SEN, especially when health-related needs are a significant factor.

   – **Explanation:** NMOs contribute to the assessment and decision-making process for EHCPs.

56. **Pre-16 SEND Coordinator:**

   – **Definition:** A designated staff member within a school or educational setting responsible for coordinating support for students with SEN before the age of 16.

   – **Explanation:** Pre-16 SEND Coordinators ensure effective planning and implementation of support strategies.

57. **Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC):**

   – **Definition:** Communication methods and tools used to support or replace verbal communication for individuals with speech or language difficulties.

   – **Explanation:** AAC includes devices, symbols, and strategies to enhance communication.

58. **Independent Review Mechanism (IRM):**

   – **Definition:** An independent review process available to parents and young people who disagree with the decisions made by the local authority regarding EHCPs.

   – **Explanation:** IRM offers an impartial review of decisions and ensures accountability.

59. **SEN and Disability Tribunal (SEND Tribunal):**

   – **Definition:** An independent tribunal that hears appeals related to decisions made by the local authority regarding EHCPs and SEN provision.

   – **Explanation:** SEND Tribunal decisions are legally binding.

60. **Specialist Advisory Teacher:**

   – **Definition:** A qualified teacher with expertise in a specific area of SEN, such as dyslexia or autism, who provides advice and support to schools and parents.

   – **Explanation:** Specialist Advisory Teachers contribute to tailored interventions and accommodations.

61. **Healthcare Plan:**

   – **Definition:** A document outlining the health-related support and interventions needed for a child or young person with significant health needs but without the level of complexity requiring an EHCP.

   – **Explanation:** Healthcare Plans ensure coordination between education and health services.

62. **Post-16 Education, Health, and Care Plan Review:**

   – **Definition:** A review process conducted for the EHCP of a young person in post-16 education, focusing on their transition to adulthood and continued support.

   – **Explanation:** The review addresses evolving needs and goals.

63. **Disapplication:**

   – **Definition:** The process by which a school can be temporarily exempted from certain legal requirements, often in response to specific circumstances or the needs of individual students.

   – **Explanation:** Disapplication aims to provide flexibility in meeting students’ unique needs.

64. **Early Years SEN Inclusion Fund:**

   – **Definition:** Funding provided by the local authority to support early years settings in including and meeting the needs of children with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** The Inclusion Fund promotes early intervention and support.

65. **Designated Doctor for SEND:**

   – **Definition:** A medical professional appointed by the local authority to provide specialized advice on medical issues related to SEND.

   – **Explanation:** Designated Doctors contribute to the assessment and planning process for students with health-related needs.

66. **Dyslexia Friendly School:**

   – **Definition:** A school that has implemented strategies and accommodations to support students with dyslexia in accessing the curriculum and achieving their potential.

   – **Explanation:** Dyslexia-friendly practices benefit all students and promote inclusion.

67. **Positive Behaviour Support (PBS):**

   – **Definition:** A proactive and evidence-based approach to managing challenging behavior, emphasizing prevention, understanding triggers, and promoting positive alternatives.

   – **Explanation:** PBS is used to support students with behavioral difficulties.

68. **Annual Disability Report:**

   – **Definition:** A report produced by schools outlining their efforts and achievements in promoting inclusion and meeting the needs of students with disabilities, including those with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** The report demonstrates the school’s commitment to equality and diversity.

69. **Medical Needs Education Service:**

   – **Definition:** A specialized service provided by the local authority to support students with significant medical needs who may be unable to attend school full-time.

   – **Explanation:** Medical Needs Education Services ensure continuity of education for students with health challenges.

70. **SEN Early Years Panel:**

   – **Definition:** A panel within the local authority responsible for reviewing and making decisions on requests for statutory assessments and EHCPs for children in the early years.

   – **Explanation:** The Early Years Panel focuses on early intervention and support.

71. **SEN Capital Funding:**

   – **Definition:** Funding allocated by the local authority specifically for capital projects to improve the physical accessibility of schools and enhance facilities for students with SEN.

   – **Explanation:** SEN Capital Funding supports infrastructure improvements.

72. **SENCO Forum:**

   – **Definition:** Regular meetings or forums where SENCOs from different schools come together to discuss issues, share expertise, and collaborate on best practices.

   – **Explanation:** SENCO Forums enhance professional development and networking.

73. **National Health Service (NHS) Continuing Care:**

   – **Definition:** A package of care provided by the NHS for children and young people with complex health needs that go beyond what is normally provided by education or social care.

   – **Explanation:** NHS Continuing Care ensures comprehensive health support.

74. **Personal Education Plan (PEP):**

   – **Definition:** A plan developed for children in the care system, outlining specific educational goals, support strategies, and monitoring mechanisms.

   – **Explanation:** PEPs support the educational well-being of children in foster care or residential settings.